Saturday 21 July 2012

Exercise - A sequence of composition.

This exercise helps the student to think about the practical process of composing an image. The instructions are to view a busy scene (ideally one which involves people) and to use the camera as a viewer, keeping it to the eye and using the viewfinder to checkout potential pictures. Instead of only pressing the shutter at the point of having identified the best viewpoint the student is requested to take a sequence of up to 20 pictures that lead up to the final image thereby illustrating how the choice comes about.

Reflections on Exercise - A sequence of composition.

As I live in a very rural area and would have to travel to meet the brief's requirement of a busy peopled scene I decided to go ahead with the exercise at home in the very overgrown and weed infested garden.
I didn't expect to gain much from this exercise but it was really interesting to note how I am constantly visually combing areas for a suitable photograph. Although the subject is pretty boring and the sky is bland and too pale  I don't think the actual composition is too bad in the final one. Actually recording the sequence illustrates how we look, see, discount and move on until we find something acceptable.

I intended to display the sequence as a group of thumbnails but despite having searched  Blogger help and the internet for hours I can't work out how to do it. My lack of IT ability is proving to be extremely frustrating. If by any chance the pictures are displayed as thumbnails when you read this then I've found out how to do it and re-posted them! But I seem to spend so much time trying to find out 'how to' that I keep getting behind in my imaginary time-table. So for now I've abandoned that one to move on with the exercises.

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