Sunday 15 July 2012

Exercise - Object in different positions in the frame.

For this exercise the student is asked to take a number of shots with the subject at different positions within the frame.
The first shot is to be taken without too much thought.
Next the student is asked to compare each photo and determine a favourite and consider the relationship between the background and the subject.

Of these images I think the third one works the most comfortably because the background is a regular unbroken pattern of green that seems less obvious in this one, complementing the dog rather than vying for prominence.

I think the least successful picture is the last one for exactly the opposite reason. The background here is busier and distracts the eye from the dog.

When the dog is central in the picture, although being the main subject I don't necessarily think that it benefits in this instance. The choice of background is obviously a major factor in ensuring that the subject and background work well together and complement each other.

Reflections on Exercise - Object in different positions in the frame.

This was a good reminder to consider the composition and content of the whole picture when setting up a photo. I wanted to try with a more complimentary background and a different aspect so took a few shots indoors while trying out different focal lengths to get a blurred background.
Again this shows how important it is to take time and consider the whole effect.Although I think this shows the sleepy dog quite well I neglected to pay attention to the angles and lines in the background and they certainly detract from the picture.
But it's good to be learning how to achieve different effects and to be reminded to give greater thought to composition.Previously I would say I was more aware of the impact of the background, considering it as separate from the subject. I realised it could complement or detract from the picture as a whole but hadn't really thought of it in terms of a relationship with the subject.

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